What should you be for Halloween?
What should you be for Halloween?
Don't know what to dress up for Halloween? Take this quiz to find out!
Don't know what to dress up for Halloween? Take this quiz to find out!
What are you going to do this Saturday?
What's your favorite color?
How would your friends describe you?
What is your idea of the perfect Halloween night?
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
You're laid back and aren't too worried about how fancy your costume is. Throw on a sheet and cut some holes for eyes and you're set!
You're a girly girl (or boy)! You love looking fancy and you were born royalty!
You love adventure and being the center of attention. You're also not afraid to wear tights! Throw on your cape, you should be a superhero this Halloween!
Inanimate Object
Inanimate Object
You walk to the beat of your drum. You should pick a costume as unique as you, like a banana or a ketchup bottle!