What Town/City Are You Most Like?
What Town/City Are You Most Like?
Let's pretend you're moving...far away. It's a hard decision, so we'll decide for you!
Let's pretend you're moving...far away. It's a hard decision, so we'll decide for you!
How would you describe your personality?
What's your favorite food?
If you could be another person, who would you be?
What's your favorite book?
What's your favorite animal?
What's your favorite sport?
If you have free time, what do you do?
Bonjour! Hope you like croisssants, because you're going to Paris! You're fancy yet laid back, just like the fun French town that is Paris. Enjoy it!
Ello, mate! Hope you like tea parties, becuase you're going to London! You'rre intresting and smart, just like this little brittish town. Enjoy it!
Rio De Janiero
Rio De Janiero
Bom dia! Hope you like Farofa (a traditional brazzilian dish), becuase you're going to Rio De Janierio! You're unique and alsmost fiesty, just like this fun brazillian city. Enjoy your new home!
Ciao! Hope you like Pizza, because you're going to Rome! You're Amazing and diffrent than other places (AKA people), just like this Italian town. Enjoy it!
Hallo! Hope you like fish chowder, because you're going to Denmark! You're awesome and smart, just like this german city. Enjoy it!
San Francisco
San Francisco
Yes, you're reading what you think you're reading....San Francisco! You're perfect for our home town. Fab, fun, and perfect, you're just like this californian town. Enjoy it!