What Drug Is Your Body Naturally High On?
What Drug Is Your Body Naturally High On?
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Hold on tight, we're going on a trip!

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Your body is naturally high on Marijuana! You're quite the mellow man and a philosopher at heart. So what if you find yourself talking in circles, jotting down random notes "to remember later" that make no sense at all? You're a total chiller with a lax attitude. Being with you is as easy as it comes.
Your body is naturally high on Cocaine! Is it safe to assume that you're quite the perfectionist? You often find yourself taking advantage of a quick burst of energy, then need a nap to refuel from the crash. You're on high alert all the time, but you're uncanny ability to notice detail helps you drop the best one-liners that everyone enjoys.
Your body is high on Mushrooms! You like to expand your mind and ask the big questions, but you know where to draw the line. With you, it's all about the feels, the intuition, and following the good vibes. Plus, you make some pretty good friends when you're in the zone, even if you're the only person who can actually see them.
Your body is naturally high on LSD! You're all about the visuals, dude. You'll take thinking outside of the box over conforming to social norms any day of the week. Being a tad too unconventional may come with some judgement from others, but that's just because they can't get on your level.
You're body is naturally high on MDMA! If anyone knows how to keep the party going, it's definitely you. You know just how to cut loose and get everyone to join along for the ride. Sure, you speak at the speed of light and can be a bit too enthusiastic, but you're "I don't care what anyone thinks" attitude is inspiring... and so are those dance moves.