Can You Match These 16 Backgrounds With Their Walt Disney Movie?
Can You Match These 16 Backgrounds With Their Walt Disney Movie?
How well do you really know your Disney movies? See if you can match these towns, kingdoms or villages with their Disney films. For more Disney fun, visit
How well do you really know your Disney movies? See if you can match these towns, kingdoms or villages with their Disney films. For more Disney fun, visit

This one might stump you...
And this island kingdom? Which movie is this from?
Whose castle is this?
Where's this castle found?
We couldn't do a quiz without a view of this vista!
Do you recognize this one?
This one's tough! Give it your best shot!
In Which Disney Movie Is This Town?
Who belongs here?
This one's EASY!
In this Disney movie, you only get a few seconds of this skyline... which movie is it from?
In which movie will you find this town square?
Which Disney movie is graced by this castle?
Which movie is home to this metropolis?
Do you know this one?
And this dusty old town?