Are You Smarter Than a Kindergartener Quiz?
Are You Smarter Than a Kindergartener Quiz?
Do you have what it takes to take on the mind of a kindergartener?
Do you have what it takes to take on the mind of a kindergartener?
How do you spell this word correctly?
Hey! Do you want to ________ with me?
What is 5+5?
What does blue and yellow make?
Fix this sentence: hey whats this over there
Is milk healthy for you?
What shape has four sides?
How do you spell this word?
Congratulations! You're smarter than a kindergartener!
Congratulations! You're smarter than a kindergartener!
Close, but not quite.
Close, but not quite.
You did okay, but I think you should reconsider going back to kindergarten if you did THAT bad.
You did okay, but I think you should reconsider going back to kindergarten if you did THAT bad.
Really? You must either be joking or you're just flat out retarded.
Really? You must either be joking or you're just flat out retarded.