Disney characters who need a therapist
Disney characters who need a therapist
Here are Disney characters that you didn't know had mental disorders
Here are Disney characters that you didn't know had mental disorders

The Evil Queen (Snow White)
The Evil Queen suffers from narcissism. Narcissism is a person with an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. This compels her to be the fairest and her hatred towards Snow White
King Triton (The Little Mermaid)
The King of the Seas is a Xenophobe. Xenophoia is an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Even though this dosen't exactly hit the nail on the head, it most likely fuels his hatred towards the humans. Many people think that is beacause Ariel's mother was killed by pirates and/or fishermen but that is not the case. Ariel's mother was killed by Ursula. That was actually one factor of her banishment from Atlantica. The death of Ariel's mother was actually used by Ursula to help lure Ariel into giving up her voice. Ursula lied to Ariel telling her that her mother's death was an accident.
Ariel is a hoarder and a kleptomaniac. Kleptomania is a person with a recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.That is also basically what a hoarder is. This compells her to find human junk and store it away in her grotto. She also suffers from body image issues. Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. These feelings can be positive, negative or both and are influenced by individual and environmental factors. In Ariel's case it woul be bad. This makes her trade away her voice for love. So basically Ursula was taking advantage of a mental problem of Ariel.
Scar (The Lion King)
It's pretty clear Scar is a socipath. A sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. This causes his solitude life style forcing him to live away alone from Pride Rock. This also causes zero guilt towards the attempted muder of his nephew and the succesful murder of his brother. However, Scar wasn't always this and Scar isn't even his real name. Taka is his true name which means "dirt", "trash", or "want' in Swahili. He got his name and actual scar by fighting a herd of buffalo with his brother after Scar tried to impress Mufasa.
The Red Queen (Alice in Wonderland)
"Off with their heads!"
The Queen of Hearts is bipolar. Bipolar means a person who is characterized by both manic and depressive episodes, or manic ones only. This causes her extreme mood swings. An example of this is when Alice first meets the Queen during the croquet game in the castle gardens. When she found out her roses had been painted she was furious and ordered the execution of the cards responsible. After The Red King pointed out Alice, the Queen soon become bliss with happiness. Throught the game she sways in and out of anger and joy.
Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)
The Evil Stepmother or Lady Tremaine is a sadist. A sadist is a person with the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others. This compells her too abuse Cinderella. Sadists usually try to wear down people by hurting thier self-esteem. This probably lead to some 50 shades of grey stuff.
Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Talk about irony. Peter Pan suffers from Peter Pan syndrome. Peter Pan syndrome has a number of syptoms. There is An unwillingness to get working or stay working when you're not motivated. Dabbling is also a syptom. Dabbling means being unwilling to stay focused on becoming sufficiently expert at anything. Brilliant people can achieve excellence in many areas but most people can't. There is also networking averson which means not having taken the time to develop the deep connections with the right people that, alas, often are needed to land and succeed at a good job. Betting on longshots is also a common affect. Which means becoming a self-supporting actor, artist, documentary filmmaker, sports marketer, environmental activist, fashion executive, etc. Yes, obviously, some people have achieved such goals but unless you are unusually talented and driven (ideally with great connections,) your chances are small. Yet some people cling to their longshot dream, sometimes as an excuse for not doing the work required to launch a more realistic career. Also people who sufer from this most likely abuse drugs and/or alchol.
Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmations)
The fashion designer is a complete and utter psychopath. For those of you who don't what a psychopath is a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. Animal abuse is also a common symptom of psychopaths. Pongo's puppies, Whizzer and Patches look around DeVil Manor, they find her nanny's room with a portrait of a young Cruella ripping the head from a doll, with a nervous nanny behind her. Whizzer and Patches also find Cruella's room from when she was younger, as it seems to suggest she tortured animals in her youth.
Tramp (Lady & the Tramp)
I can not express how much I hate men like him. It's just one of my MAJOR pet peeves. Tramp is a womanizer. I know shocking right. (-_-) A womanizer is a man who engages in numerous casual sexual affairs with women. I absolutely hate these type of arrogant men. I would type more but it would just make me angrier
Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Other than talking to IKEA dishes and partaking in BEASTiltay, this small town girl as a serious and strong case of stockholm syndrome. Sockholm is the feeling of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor. In the movie Belle is brainy bookworm who lives in small town with her genious inventor father. He is then taking by the Beast who was cursed by an enchantress turning him into an ugly animal. He then turned into a hermit locked himslef away in his castle cursed to live a life of solitude. Belle makes a deal with the Beast to became his slave and in return for her father's realease. She does manage to break the curse and turn him human again, but until the two fell into deep love with another.
Jasmine (Aladdin)
Even though this may not be a true mental condition, I decided to do it anyways. Princess Jasmine, suffers from Cabin Fever. Cabin Fever is the feeling of irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors. In the movie, she states she has never been outside the palace walls. Heck, if I was that age and never been outside the house, I might even get on a floating carpet with a stranger to.
Thanks guy so much for checking this out. I spent a lot of time on it and I really appreciate it. If there is anymore Disney characters you would like me to analyze. Plus don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more content.