What Does Your Fallout Play-style Say About Your Personality?
What Does Your Fallout Play-style Say About Your Personality?
Wandering the wastes could potentially reveal introspective information about yourself.
Wandering the wastes could potentially reveal introspective information about yourself.

You're walking along and a stranger asks for help. What do you do?
What's your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. style?
You walk into an abandoned building and there might be ghouls. What do you do?
Congrats! You leveled up. What perk do you select?
You are bartering with a caravan and you need a crucial item but don't have enough caps. What's your next move.
You are carrying too many items. What should you let go of?
How do you feel about companions?
You're an Analyst- You're cold, calculating, deadly, and effective.
You're an Analyst- You're cold, calculating, deadly, and effective.
You're a Diplomat- You like to talk things out and collaborate.
You're a Diplomat- You like to talk things out and collaborate.
You're an Explorer- You're not shy of the battlefield. Blood and guts are you're forte.
You're an Explorer- You're not shy of the battlefield. Blood and guts are you're forte.
You are a Sentinel- You're decisive and caring. You've got a heart, but you've also got a big gun.
You are a Sentinel- You're decisive and caring. You've got a heart, but you've also got a big gun.