Where would you live in Westeros

From the cold harsh North, to the hot sands of Dorne. Westeros presents a variety of climates and cultures.

Max Chapman
Created by Max Chapman(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 12, 2015

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The North

The North

The Starks ruled the North for centuries. A cold and hard land with people to match. Northern's are known for being excellent warriors and honorable people, who do not forget a slight easily.



The people of Dorne are known for being as hot and fiery as the sun that beats down on them. They are quick to anger and slow to forgive. They live a life of passion and impulse.

The Vale

The Vale

The Vale is made up of impassable mountains and rocky terrain. The people there are stubborn, hard, and always ready to defend their honor.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands

For many years the riverpeople were ruled by the Stormlords and the Iron Islanders. They eventually won their independence under Edmyn Tully when Aegon conquered Westeros, and became their own kingdom. They're a mild people who live off of the bountiful lands around them. But that does not mean they can't fight.

The Reach

The Reach

Ruled by house Tyrell, the Reach is famous for its bounties of fine food and it beautiful gardens. The people there have grown used to these luxuries and have become known for being cultured and wealthy.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islanders believe that they are not the same as the other Westerosi. They hold that they were on the Islands before the First Man came to these lands. Created from salt and rock by their Drowned God. They very well may be. They are a hard and indomitable people, who live on poor means and steal what they want.

The Stormlands

The Stormlands

The Stormlanders are known for being honorable and value strength as well as skill in combat. Every year they endure violent storms blowing in off of the coast, making them skilled at building durable strongholds.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands

The richest area of Westeros. These people are highly intelligent and motivated, but also cunning. The lands of merchants and craftsmen of all kinds. They also have some of the finest armies in the kingdoms.

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