How gross actually are you?

Are you actually really disgusting? You probably should find out... and then continue doing you.

Maximum Pop!
Created by Maximum Pop! (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 23, 2016

You've just picked your nose. What do you do?

You're at your friend's house and you're having a really juicy conversation. You suddenly realise you need to poo. What do you do?

How often do you wash your bra?

You've had a really late night after a party. What do you do about your makeup?

Do you ever smell your pants to decide if they can be worn another day?

How do you take off your nail polish?

You've just peed and there's no toilet roll. What do you do?

You're out with friends and you've just let out a fart accidentally. How do you feel?

How often do you clean your earphones?

Would you let your friend borrow your eyeliner?

You are literally the most disgusting person ever.

You are literally the most disgusting person ever.

You just keep doing you though, boo.

You're quite gross but not totally the worst.

You're quite gross but not totally the worst.

You're mostly normal, but some of the choices you make are a bit disgusting.

You're mostly normal, but some of the choices you make are a bit disgusting.

You're not gross at all. In fact, disgusting people disgust you.

You're not gross at all. In fact, disgusting people disgust you.

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