Maximum Pop! - What % Gryffindor are you?
Maximum Pop! - What % Gryffindor are you?
Are you as Gryffindor as Harry himself?
Are you as Gryffindor as Harry himself?
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What's your fave animal?
Who would you sit next to in potions?
How do you feel about Draco Malfoy?
Pick an element that you feel drawn to...
Which of these wizard emojis would you send to your friends?
Pick a charm that you'd love to cast...
How would your closest friends describe you?
Who would you most like to teach you at Hogwarts?
Pick a piece of Hogwarts swag for your room...
You got: 21%
You got: 21%
You're 21% Gryffindor. Don't be disappointed! It's still a great percentage. It just means you share other house qualities. Perhaps you're super creative like the Ravenclaws or are a loyal friend like Hufflepuffs. That's probably the reason why Hermione, Ron and Harry get on SO great with you. What a hero.
Share your % in the comments below and make everyone jealous of how Gryffindor you are. You can also tweet us @MaximumPopBooks.
Don't forget to take our other Harry Potter quizzes:
You got: 76%
You got: 76%
OH WOW! You're SO Gryffindor it's unreal. The Sorting Hat did right with you. You're brave, courageous and are a pro at truth or dare. Hey, having daring as a quality comes in handy sometimes, right? You're not that good mates with Malfoy but your wise enough to know that you should rise above it and don't let what he says get to you. Plus Hermione always has your back. You're BFFs with her and she knows how to throw a punch or two in Malfoys direction.
Share your % in the comments below and make everyone jealous of how Gryffindor you are. You can also tweet us @MaximumPopBooks.
Don't forget to take our other Harry Potter quizzes:
You got: 108%
You got: 108%
You're more Gryffindor than Harry Potter. Say WHAT?! We didn't even think that was possible. You and Neville are BFFs in Gryffindor house. He's adorable and always knows how to make you chuckle. You and Hermione get on great too - she's the best person to study for a test with. As for the others? Well, you're just a swell person, aren't you? EVERYONE LOVES YOU!
Share your % in the comments below and make everyone jealous of how Gryffindor you are. You can also tweet us @MaximumPopBooks.
Don't forget to take our other Harry Potter quizzes:
You got: 58%
You got: 58%
Nice one. You're half Gryffindor. Did the Sorting Hat have a hard time placing you? That's because you share so many different house traits. If you ask us, that's an awesome position to be in as you get on well with everyone. You're BFFs with Harry and will quite happily hang around with Cedric and Luna. You and Malfoy have even had a few convos in the past. We admire how friendly you are. Oh and you're a complete Gryffindor bad ass - obvs.
Share your % in the comments below and make everyone jealous of how Gryffindor you are. You can also tweet us @MaximumPopBooks.
Don't forget to take our other Harry Potter quizzes: