Which Chanel From Scream Queens Are You?

Are you Chanel Oberlin or one of her minions?

Maximum Pop!
Created by Maximum Pop! (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your must have fashion staple?

How would your friends describe you?

What's your favourite social media site?

What's your Starbucks order?

What's your favourite emoji?

If you were being murdered by the Red Devil, what would you do?

What would you do if there were some losers trying to join your squad?

Who is your kindred spirit?

What's your ideal holiday location?

What's your dream job?

Chanel Oberlin

Chanel Oberlin

You are one bad bitch. You're a leader and you set trends. You can be ruthless and cruel but at least people respect you. And your wardrobe is on point so you basically win at life.

Chanel #2

Chanel #2

You are the biggest threat to the lead Chanel and it seems like everyone is after you. You are very pretty and very misunderstood. And if you were being murdered by the Red Devil at least you'd update your social media status one last time... Clearly your priorities are in order!

Chanel #3

Chanel #3

You are independent and not afraid to share your opinion. You are very secretive and judgemental. You also love your ear muffs don't you?

Chanel #5

Chanel #5

You are simple and rather boring. You'd rather be a minion than a leader and you are slightly rude at times. But at least you're pretty and popular so what else even matters?

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