Which Taylor Swift Era Are You?
Which Taylor Swift Era Are You?
Are you more 'Red' Tay or old country 'Fearless'?
Are you more 'Red' Tay or old country 'Fearless'?

Pick a Meredith
Pick an Olivia Benson
Choose a 'Taylor Swift' Taylor
Choose a 'Fearless' Taylor
Choose a 'Speak Now' Taylor
Choose a 'Red' Taylor
Choose a '1989' Taylor
Lastly, pick your favourite T-Swift album!
Baby Country Swift
Baby Country Swift
You got Baby Country Swift, remember when Tay came onto the scene all the way back in 2006 with 'Taylor Swift'?
Fearless Swift
Fearless Swift
You got Fearless Swift! 'Fearless' gave us the likes of 'Love Story' and 'You Belong With Me', making Tay more mainstream.
Classic Swift
Classic Swift
Classic Swift! This is the Taylor we all learned to know and love with her curly hair. Way back in 2010 when Taylor became mainstream and released 'Speak Now'.
Red Swift
Red Swift
Leaving most of her country roots behind, Taylor experimented with pop music in the 'Red' era, whilst sporting her iconic red lipstick.
Pop Swift
Pop Swift
You got Pop Swift, when Taylor went full pop and released one of her best albums yet '1989'!