Which Taylor Swift Signature Style Item Are You?
Which Taylor Swift Signature Style Item Are You?
'Cause she never goes out of style... from red lipstick to polo necks, Tay has switched up her look quite a lot throughout the years. But which signature item are you?
'Cause she never goes out of style... from red lipstick to polo necks, Tay has switched up her look quite a lot throughout the years. But which signature item are you?
![Maximum Pop!](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/54f6712b-ec06-4ca4-9f89-8475dc5b4ea1.jpg)
Created by Maximum Pop! (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017
What's your favourite Taylor Swift album?
How would you describe yourself?
Pick a Taylor Swift lyric
Pick a make-up product
Who do you want as your boyfriend?
Meredith or Olivia?
Pick a colour
Pick a BFF
What's your favourite season?
Red lipstick
Red lipstick
Polo necks
Polo necks
High-waisted shorts
High-waisted shorts
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