Which Heroes Of Olympus Character Are You?

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, or Nico?

Maya Larkin
Created by Maya Larkin (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 4, 2015

Yes, I'm going there.
What's your favorite color?

What is your element?

Who is your favorite god or goddess?

Favorite season?

Choose a song

Pick another song

So, you see an old lady trying to cross the street, (classic, I know) and she falls down. What do you do?

What's your favorite room in the house?

Roman or Greek?

Who would you have as a lover?


Non-canon ships?

Who is your favorite?

Who do you think you'll get?

Why did you take this quiz?

Your friends would say you are...?

Something new you would like to try is....

You would say you are...

Favorite Percy Jackson book?

What color are your eyes?

Percy Jackson

Percy Jackson

You are the main dude! Fun, funny, loyal and kind, you are the son of Poseidon and are a total boss. You are dating Annabeth and are friends with everyone. Keep being awesome!
You control water

Possible ships: Percabeth, Pernico,Perazel

Annabeth Chase

Annabeth Chase

You are incredibly smart! A daughter of Athena, Annabeth (you) date Percy Jackson and love him, even though he drives you insane. You don't have any prominent powers, but you are the most intelligent person ever. Good job.
Possible ships: Percabeth, Frannabeth, Annico

Jason Grace (goat)

Jason Grace (goat)

A son of Jupiter, you are kind of the golden boy. Everyone loves you and you are a big hero with a bigger heart. You date Piper, who is amazing and you lost your memory for a while. Read the books. It will make more sense, then.
You are a goody-two shoes who plays by the rules.


Piper McLean

Piper McLean

A daughter of Aphrodite, you are pretty and loving. You hate your mom though, and think she's shallow and horrible. Which is true. You have a huge heart, and Jason owns it. You tend to be underestimated because of your parentage, but you can kick butt when it's needed! You can also influence people by talking to them. Good job on that.

Leo Valdez

Leo Valdez

You are the single most lovable character throughout the books. With a tortured past, you think everything is your fault and are forever alone. However, you put on a brave face and are possibly the funniest human being ever born. Good job on life!

You can also summon fire at your command.

Hazel Levesque

Hazel Levesque

A daughter of Pluto, you can be kind of misunderstood. You can bring earthly metals and jewels towards you like a magnet! You were accused of witchcraft and have a strong history with Leo Valdez's great grandfather. You died in the 1940s and came back. You date Frank.

Frank Zhang

Frank Zhang

Son of Mars, you are amazing. You are lovable and sweet and kind like a teddy bear! Don't get me wrong, you can still throw down like nobody's business! You are an amazing warrior and you fight like a demon. You date Hazel and love her very much.

Nico di Angelo

Nico di Angelo


Nico di Angelo is a son of Hades. Supremely misunderstood, Nico sulks in the shadows and lets everything happen. He can summon the dead. He is awesome and tortured and cool. He lost his sister Bianca when he was 10 and has had a major crush on Percy since they met. Hazel is his sister.

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On Nov 18, 2021