Which resident evil (game) character are you???
Which resident evil (game) character are you???
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Do you wear a uniform at work/school?
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Pick a boss
Rebecca Chambers
Rebecca Chambers
You got rebecca! You know how to defend yourself but you aren't the strongest in the world. You are not to be underestimated as you know a lot about medicine
Billy Coen
Billy Coen
You got Billy! You may be misunderstood but you are strong and good with weaponry. You look out for your mates.
Chris Redfield
Chris Redfield
You got Chris! You care about your friends and family; such as Claire and Jill, but not very clever with chemicals and plant knowledge. You are quite handy with a knife
Jill Valentine
Jill Valentine
You got Jill! You have your friend's interests at heart and you are good at getting yourself out of dangerous situations.
Claire Redfield
Claire Redfield
You got Claire! You are kind and caring and you care about family. Even though you are inexperienced you are good with weapons such as the bowgun
Leon S. Kennedy
Leon S. Kennedy
You got Leon! You look out for others who are in need and love your job in the R.P.D department
Sherry Birkin
Sherry Birkin
You got Sherry! You love your family and mature for your age. You're not afraid to do things by yourself and even though you can't use weapons you have help from others like Claire and Leon