Which Harry Potter-charater are you?

Created by HarryPotter_nerd (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 27, 2018
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Which house do you want to be sorted in?

If you saw a unicorn who was bleeding, what would you do?

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Which clothes would you like to wear?

Favorite animal?

Oh no! An owl stole your bacon in the breakfast in the Great Hall, and there are no more bacons left! What do you do?

At least... Who is your best friend?

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger

You are a clever, abiding person that can do anything for your friends. If someone is irritating you can be VERY angry, and sometimes give them a box on the ear!

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort

You are the evil lord himself! You are coldblooded and don't understand love. You don't call your friends "friends", you call them servants!

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

You are brave and the perfect leader for your friend group. You are not clever and not stupid, just something between.

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall

You are strict and do not listen to anyone trying to change your way.

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