Who is the real you?
Who is the real you?
Discover who you really are on the inside...
Discover who you really are on the inside...
![Maya Silverstream](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KAl927fO7Zc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABU/w0asClq-uSA/photo.jpg?sz=50)
You are lost in a cave with a group of friends. What do you do?
You have a difficult essay to write, but you have three whole weeks to write it. What do you do?
You are invited to a party by someone you don't know very well, but who is closer than an acquaintance. Do you go?
You have a test coming up. What do you do?
Your friends invite you out to do something fun, but you have quite a lot of work to do. Do you go?
You are listening to a very important science lecture, but you tune out and forget to take notes! What do you do?
During class, you spot a disgusting-looking spider coming near you. What do you do?
You're making a poster in groups of two. In your group there's you and the hardest-working person in the class. How much work do you do?
You love homework, and you value hardwork. You enjoy subjects such as maths, and you are a very logical thinker.
You love sci-fi and fantasy, as well as reading. You also like shipping different characters from books and movies/tv series that you like, even if it's completely illogical.
You are sporty and tough, and you love being outside.
Popular kid
Popular kid
You are everywhere on social media, and everyone wants your attention. You are social and open, and many admire you.
You sit a bit on the outside, and like to watch others. You are kind but quiet, and you like to either be alone or with a small group of close friends. Wallflowers tend to have a connection with animals and/or nature.
You are mischievious and funny, and you like to be center of attention. You constantly pull pranks on others, and sometimes you are unknowingly hurting people's feelings.
Funny guy
Funny guy
You are a riot! You are fun to be around, and you constantly make jokes. You like to be the center of attention, and people enjoy your company. Being alone is not for you.
You are either an artist, a musician, or a writer. You are somewhere in the middle of the social hierarchy. It is possible that you are part of a large or small group of friends, or you prefer to be on your own. You are creative and full of ideas, even if you sometimes run out of creative flow.