Which 'Sherlock' Character Are You?
Which 'Sherlock' Character Are You?
Are you the high functioning sociopath himself? Or are you maybe the lovable and friendly John Watson? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you the high functioning sociopath himself? Or are you maybe the lovable and friendly John Watson? Take this quiz to find out!

What good characteristic would you say you have?
What would you say is your worst characteristic?
How do you deal with anger?
Do you believe love exists?
How many friends do you have?
How easily are you bored?
What is your guilty pleasure?
How do you like getting work done?
This may be obvious but just choose honestly: Which of these styles is your favorite?
Extrovert, introvert, or ambivert (both)?
Are you innocent?
Finally, who is your favorite 'Sherlock' character out of the ones given? (Doesn't affect your answer)
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
You are Sherlock Holmes! You are extremely intelligent - even genius and your brain is just a palace full of knowledge. Even though you are one of the smartest people, you can be wrong sometimes but you'll have a hard time admitting it. You are great at solving riddles and puzzles but what you have in knowledge, you lack in social skills. You're never one to willingly go out to "have fun". You'd rather stay inside doing something more worthy of your precious time but nevertheless, sometimes you get bored out of your mind.
You may not have many friends, but the few that you do have care about you and love you and all all your social awkwardness. In the end, you secretly care about them too and would do anything to protect them, even if that means risking your life!
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John Watson
John Watson
You are John Watson! You are protective, loving, and a friend to all! You are extremely protective of those closest to you, as well as everyday people you see on the street. You are a person that people can talk to when they need advice because they know you've experienced life like few others have.
People may sometimes call you the "sidekick" or even not pay attention to you but that doesn't matter because in the end, you just like the satisfaction of helping someone in need. You are just an overall loyal person! (I'm pretending season 4 episode 1 just didn't happen here :( )
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Mrs. Hudson
Mrs. Hudson
You are Mrs. Hudson! You have a personality that draws people to you! You have a pure, kind, and beautiful heart. No matter what your age is, you have motherly tendencies and people tend to come to you just for that special feeling of love that orbits you.
You care about everyone no matter who they are and you always look for the best in everyone. You are a bright and charismatic soul and you will always look at the bright side of most situations.
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Jim Moriarty
Jim Moriarty
You are Jim Moriarty! You are clever, sassy, and charming! Like Sherlock, you aren't good around people, just for different reason....like the fact that you're willing to go out of your way to hurt people to get what you want! You don't care about other people because you're the main man! You are almost as intelligent as Sherlock and you definitely have quite a few tricks up your sleeve!
Your specialty is making witty and sarcastic remarks that tease your enemies into chasing after you. Did I mention yet that you're extremely charming? I don't know why, considering you can be a psycho....but people can get drawn into you like seamen being drawn to a siren. You are dangerous yet remarkable and that's just how you like it!
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Molly Hooper
Molly Hooper
You are Molly Hooper! You are kind, gentle, and innocent! You are a hard worker and a friendly face. You are known as the cute or adorable one that everyone loves but sometimes you grown tired of being known as the "friend". There have been times where you've tried so desperately to be noticed by someone but it never seems to work. Don't give up though! Don't change yourself for that special someone because one day they will notice you for the beautiful kindhearted person you are!
You love to help people with their problems and you are always the last person to ever judge someone. You can be intimidated easily and it's hard for you to trust some people but your personality is always so bright that people will always want to befriend you!
Do you find this accurate? Let us know in the comments below!
Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
You are Mycroft Holmes! You are just as smart as Sherlock and you are a bit better with your communication skills! You are mature but sometimes you let your inner child out. You always tend to keep a serious face and you live in your job/work. You are not going to be known as the "lively" one at a party, that is, if you even go to a party. Everyday life to you is just living and breathing your work and nonchalantly upstaging your siblings.
You don't necessarily dislike people, but you don't care much about them either. You rarely show any emotion at all but secretly deep inside, you care about some people more than anything else you do. You don't show it much, but sometimes you let it slip out.
Do you find this accurate? Let us know in the comments below!
Irene Adler
Irene Adler
You are Irene Adler! You are seductive, saucy, and irresistible! When it comes to your name, people know who you are right off the bat. You are very well known and people often get jealous of your confidence and beauty. That being said, you are an expert at seducing someone and you use that well to your advantage.
Even though you seem like another beautiful face, you are tough to the very core of your body! You can definitely throw a punch and you aren't intimidated by people who seem larger than you. You know how to handle yourself well but that doesn't mean you won't be a damsel in distress sometimes. But in the end, if you're rescued by that one special someone, it's all pretty much worth it.
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