Which Call of Duty character are you?
Which Call of Duty character are you?
A test to see if your in the CALL OF DUTY universe and which character you are.
A test to see if your in the CALL OF DUTY universe and which character you are.

Good or Evil?
Do you see yourself dying in 5 years?
How many friends have you lost? Including death, leaving you, stupid fights
Are you short tempered?
Who's a better villain? (Who's your worst enemy in COD campaign?)
Who wore it better?
What's your favorite class in COD?
Grandma made cookies, go down the river and through the woods...
How old are you?
Are you a fan of Infinity Ward or Treyarch?
John Price
John Price
As old as he can get, Captain Price, will always be a total bad ass. So congrads your an old man who can kill an army almost by himself. You've been in COD1 and COD2 and have a theory that you don't die because your in MW1, MW2, and MW3. You are John Price.
Alex Mason
Alex Mason
Always having a hard time in daily life i bet. Cuz your Alex Mason. Your a hallucinating, average soldier, who can take a hit. Since you hate Russians and Vietnamese, you'll fit perfectly in the vietnam era and some how live old as fuck with your boy Frank Woods, if you get the best possible ending that is. You are Alex Mason
John "Soap" Mactavish
John "Soap" Mactavish
Have trouble getting a knife out of your chest? Well obviously yes, since your Soap Mactavish and survive explosions- Oh wait- You can survive some explosions until a Church explosion happens and you bleed out... Spoiler alert!! Nothing special about Soap, just the fact he's a bad ass and the story between his brother in arms John Price. You are John "Soap" Mactavish
Viktor Reznov
Viktor Reznov
Well enough said. Your a Russian bad ass mother fucker, who gets me pumped up to play WOW and BO1 just to hear a crazy old Russian sergeant battle cry. You are mysterious, inspiring, and respected. You are Viktor Reznov
Frank Woods
Frank Woods
A total soldier who always gets the job done leaving no man behind... Except Alex Mason in the first fucking mission in BO1 without going back to look for him... Any way your a total bad ass and a total smart ass. You are Frank Woods
Raul Menendez
Raul Menendez
Re-living the past everyday of your miserable life, your looking for a way to redeem yourself and get revenge any means necessary. You are Raul Menendez
A heart filled with hatred and revenge. Willing to do anything to fulfill your destiny. You are Yuri
An egotistic maniac, you kill and murder anything and everything to get what you want. You've killed and won't hesitate to do it again as long as you get what you want in the end. You are Makarov