Which member of Suicide Squad is your favorite?
Which member of Suicide Squad is your favorite?
a poll to see which member of the suicide squad is most peoples favorite (this is just for fun and this is my first one so sorry if it's bad)
a poll to see which member of the suicide squad is most peoples favorite (this is just for fun and this is my first one so sorry if it's bad)
Created by McKDragon (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017
Would you rather have guns, boomerangs, a gun and baseball bat, crocodile skills, pyrotechnics (fire), expert climbing skills, or jokes?
Would you rather have guns, boomerangs, a gun and baseball bat, crocodile skills, pyrotechnics (fire), expert climbing skills, or jokes?
Calculating results
Would you rather have soliderly self righteousness, the ability to make people do what you want, or the powers of the Enchantress herself?
Would you rather have soliderly self righteousness, the ability to make people do what you want, or the powers of the Enchantress herself?
Calculating results
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On Nov 18, 2021