What is your personality like?

Let's see if you would be calm, cool, and collected, or fierce, angry, and wild.

Created by MechaAnimeGirl (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 24, 2016

Which color speaks to you?

How would your friends describe you?

What is your favorite time of day?

On a scale of 1-20, how social are you?

And finally, would you rather...?



You like to go with the flow. No one bothers you and you hardly lose your cool. You have been known to be the friend that everyone leans on.

Hairpin trigger

Hairpin trigger

When someone pushes your buttons, they better watch out! Just like your on a hairpin trigger, you could explode at any moment. You are fiercely loyal and would protect your friend to the death!



Your both calm and fiery. you always seem calm, but if anyone insults you or your friends, you wouldn't mind pummeling a few people. People learned to be on your good side so they wouldn't be on your bad side.

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