7 Things You Didn't Know About Marco Pierre White

World-renowned chef and restaurateur Marco Pierre White is more interesting than you.

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On Mar 29, 2017

He returned his Michelin stars.

Source: news.com.au


He once said he would never speak to Gordon Ramsay again.

Source: telegraph.co.uk


He regularly ejected patrons from his restaurants if he took offence at their comments.

Source: telegraph.co.uk


He once slashed open a young chef’s uniform for complaining about the heat in the kitchen.

“One day a chef moaned that he was too hot, so I took a carving knife in one hand, held his jacket with the other and slashed it. Then I slashed his trousers. Both garments were still on his body at the time. ‘That should provide a bit of ventilation,’ I told him, and when he asked if he could change out of his chopped-up clothes I said, ‘Yes, at the end of the service.’”
Source: theguardian.com


Michael Fassbender is tipped to play him in biopic “The Devil In The Kitchen”.


He’s one of the youngest chefs ever to have been awarded three Michelin stars.


He’s the Godfather of modern cooking.

Source: Master Chef Australia

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