Which MasterChef NZ 2015 Judge Are You?

The MasterChef New Zealand 2015 judging panel are a very distinctive bunch with colourful personalities. Take this quiz to find out whether you're an
Al Brown, a Josh Emett, or a Mark Wallbank!

Mediaworks NZ
Created by Mediaworks NZ (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

How much of a social butterfly are you?

If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you do?

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Who inspires you most?

Choose an article of clothing:

What role do you usually play in the group?

If you saw a friend or co-worker doing something incorrectly you would…

If you were a chef or restaurateur, what would be most important to you about food/dining?

Al Brown

Al Brown

You’re the heart of your workplace or group of friends. If somebody needs advice or just a shoulder to cry on, you are there to give the support that they need. You’re also a bit of a goofball when you want to be.

Josh Emett

Josh Emett

You are often described as the smooth talking, coolest member of the bunch. When it’s time to cut down on the fluff and get down to business, you do so with style and finesse. You’re also known to slip a cheeky joke in here and there.

Mark Wallbank

Mark Wallbank

You are the quiet and mysterious one of the group. You may not speak your mind as much as your other co-workers or friends, but when you do it’s particularly poignant and meaningful. You also know how to rock a mean pair of specs when the occasion calls for it.

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