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What fandom do you belong in?

There's plenty of fandoms out there, but which do you belong in?

Created by CaptainFoxy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Welcome one and all to this quiz!

Shall we begin?

Ok, we're starting now

Is it ok if you talk to people from certain fandoms?

Ok, so firstly we are heading to the world of marvel!

First up is Spiderman:
Me: Please can you ask your question Spiderman
Spiderman: What is your favourite food out of these?

Next is Batman:
Batman: Who is your favourite person in the world?

Next the Hulk:
Hulk: What is your favourite colour?

Now Thor:
Thor: If you could have a superpower what would it be?

Step forward Iron Man please:
Iron Man: Do you like Marvel?

Finally Wolverine:
Wolverine: What would you dress up as on Halloween?

Next we are going into the wizarding world of Harry Potter!

First up: Harry Potter
Harry Potter: Do you believe in magic?

Now Hermione:
Hermione: Choose an image!

Here comes Ron!
Ron: Do you like Qudditch?

Dumbledore is beckoned over here...
Dumbledore: Do you believe in yourself?

Snape walks over...
Snape: What movie genre do you like the best?

Next is Hadrid:
Hadrid: You are a wizard...

Gotta catch all of the Pokémon!

First up is Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Next is Charizard!
Charizard: Which is your favourite out of these?

Mewtwo is here!
Mewtwo: Do you like fruit?

Blastoise here! What is your favourite drink?

Mew is coming!
Mew: Do love this picture of me?

Gengar is here!
Gengar: Do you play Pokémon Go?

We're now heading into the world of Disney...

Captain Jack Sparrow is here!
Jack: Take what you can...

Alice is here!
Alice: What is the meaning of the word impossible?

The king of Disney is here!
Mickey: Are you a true fan of Disney?

Tinkerbell flutters forth:
Tink: Do you believe in fairies?

Peter Pan is here!
Peter: You can fly!

Mike next!
Mike: Am I scary?

Who likes manga here?

Let's go to Equestria now!

Twilight first!
Twilight: Do you like books?

Pinkie Pie!
Pinkie: Do you like parties?

Howdy y'all I'm Applejack, sooo do like apples?

Yo, Rainbow Dash here, so how fast are you?

Rarity is here!
Rarity: Darling do you like fashion?

Are you shy?

Let's go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!

First up is Freddy!
Freddy: Do you get scared easily?

Bonnie next!
Bonnie: Do you like Justin Bieber?

Chica is here!
Chica: Do you like pizza?

Next is Foxy! (YAY)
Foxy: Do you like pirates?

Balloon boy is here!
BB: Hello!

Mangle here! Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Now we're going underground to Undertale!

Firstly Frisk!
Frisk: Have you ever been on a life changing adventure?

Sans is here!
Sans: Are you funny?

Papyrus wants to ask you something
Papyrus: Do you like solving puzzles?

Alphys please can you ask a question?
Alphys: U-um ok, do you like school?

Mettaton is here!
Mettaton: Would you rather be rich or famous?

Undyne is next!

Finally my question, did you enjoy this quiz?



Getting this result fills you with determination...



Are you ready for Freddy?



Brony forever!



Stay strong hero!



Now go catch that Dragonite!



Who's your favourite Disney character?

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

"Where this result is, there will your heart be also."




These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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