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Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Harry Potter House Are You?

Are you a Gryffindor, loyal and true? Cunning and sly as a Slytherin? Bold and clever, patient and kind? There is no wrong answer here - Take this quiz to find out which house you belong in at the Wizarding School of Hogwarts.

Meg Stephens
Created by Meg Stephens(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 19, 2022

Okay, come on now... You know we all can't be in Gryffindor! Let our house quiz sort you into whichever house you belong in most; and yes - that might mean you're a Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

Should we tell you a bit of what each is about? Whether or not you're a total Harry Potter geek, this refresher will be good for all of us!

Alright, time to see where you get sorted...


If you were given the chance, which country would you rather visit?

Pick a dessert.

You're ready to make some memories. Would you rather...

You're being moved from your house, but you can only pack one bag of your belongings. What do you take?

Which historical figure would you most want to have the chance to sit down and have coffee with?

What quality do you look for in a friend?

You are offered a large sum of money unexpectedly. Do you...

Choose your ideal house.

You are offered a chance at fame. For what would you want to be remembered?

Final Question. Which house do you think you'll be placed in?



Congratulations - you belong to one of the bravest and boldest houses of Hogwarts! Many famous and powerful witches and wizards have come from their scarlet and gold colors.
You value your friendships above all else and would sacrifice all to save another. While you may come across as a little conceited at times, your heart is in the right place, and you simply don't know what to do with all of your confidence. Many are jealous of your popularity and skill, though few dare to stand against you in a challenge.
Be sure to never let your pride stand in the way of your friendships - Gryffindors may be fierce friends, but once burned, make even fiercer enemies.



Congratulations - you belong in Slytherin house. Perhaps the most feared of the houses of Hogwarts, within the walls of your common room, you will find witches and wizards of similar mindset and capabilities.
You let nothing stand in your way of acheiving a goal, and your relationships will sometimes suffer for it. Many have thought of you as being vain, conceited, cold and distant, simply because you have a hard time trusting anyone except yourself. You are used to finding criticism and harsh words when you express who you are, and so you have learned to hide it and perhaps even despise it. You have difficulty making new friends, and it is even more difficult for you to maintain the ones you have made. You take every word said to you as a challenge, and you are never afraid to step up to a fight. You prefer to live in the shadows, making your success from afar and taking down those who appose through through revenge and secrecy.
But none of this means you are bad or cold. You are often pitted against the Gryffindors, and you will find them to be your greatest opponents. Do not let the world convince you that you are any less than anyone else. You will be successful and accomplish any task you put your mind to - just remember, success is not always as enjoyable with it is achieved alone. Your house colors are silver and green.



Ah, dear Hufflepuff is where you belong. A kind and loyal sort is what you will find waiting for you, always there in a pinch. Don't let the chatter discourage you, there is not fluff-headed or silly about the Huffepuffs.
Many great healers and teachers have come from the halls of the Hufflepuffs. You are kind, considerate, always thinking of others, and loyal to a fault. Whenever someone is in trouble - whether it is a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw - you are always willing to step in and lend a hand. It doesn't matter how many times someone has hurt you, you will always forgive and forget, wishing that everyone would get along and share the love.
While you may not be known for being as skilled or as powerful as others, when you have found your skill, you excel at it. Your are likely very fond of plants, animals, nature, and you have a close-knit group of friends.
Remember to never let anyone talk down to you because of your kindness, but rather use it to show the world a different kind of power. Your house colors are black and yellow.



"Or yet, in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a steady mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind..."

Ravenclaw, the cleverest of houses, is where you belong. Your outstanding smarts and wits have earned you a place among the brightest witches and wizards of your age. While Ravenclaw may have a reputation for being rather aloof, don't be intimidated by the genius of your companions. Most are just as willing to trick Peeves into setting Professor Flitwick's robes on fire as they are to stay up all night studying for an exam.
It is likely you have always stood out from your peers as being quieter and more mature than those your age. You have a few friends, who you keep close, who are either at the same level of intellect as you, or perhaps even a bit lower. You are fairly uninterested in social settings, unless it is to study the behaviors of those gathered, but you are likely an excellent athlete if you find your sport.
While your brains may get your far in the world, it may hinder your ability to connect with the people around you. Try to remember that sometimes it really is best to have a casual conversation, and save your quotes of wise authors past for your debates in the common room.
Your house colors are blue and bronze.

Quiz Time!

What does it mean to be a Gryffindor?
Many famous and powerful witches and wizards have come from their scarlet and gold colors. You value your friendships above all else and would sacrifice all to save another. While you may come across as a little conceited at times, your heart is in the right place, and you simply don't know what to do with all of your confidence. Many are jealous of your popularity and skill, though few dare to stand against you in a challenge. Be sure to never let your pride stand in the way of your friendships - Gryffindors may be fierce friends, but once burned, make even fiercer enemies.

What about a Slytherin?
Perhaps the most feared of the houses of Hogwarts, within the walls of your common room, you will find witches and wizards of similar mindset and capabilities. You let nothing stand in your way of acheiving a goal, and your relationships will sometimes suffer for it. Many have thought of you as being vain, conceited, cold and distant, simply because you have a hard time trusting anyone except yourself. You are used to finding criticism and harsh words when you express who you are, and so you have learned to hide it and perhaps even despise it. You have difficulty making new friends, and it is even more difficult for you to maintain the ones you have made. You take every word said to you as a challenge, and you are never afraid to step up to a fight. You prefer to live in the shadows, making your success from afar and taking down those who appose through through revenge and secrecy.

But none of this means you are bad or cold. You are often pitted against the Gryffindors, and you will find them to be your greatest opponents. Do not let the world convince you that you are any less than anyone else. You will be successful and accomplish any task you put your mind to - just remember, success is not always as enjoyable with it is achieved alone. Your house colors are silver and green.

What does it mean to be a Hufflepuff?
A kind and loyal sort is what you will find waiting for you, always there in a pinch. Don't let the chatter discourage you, there is not fluff-headed or silly about the Huffepuffs. Many great healers and teachers have come from the halls of the Hufflepuffs. You are kind, considerate, always thinking of others, and loyal to a fault. Whenever someone is in trouble - whether it is a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw - you are always willing to step in and lend a hand. It doesn't matter how many times someone has hurt you, you will always forgive and forget, wishing that everyone would get along and share the love.

While you may not be known for being as skilled or as powerful as others, when you have found your skill, you excel at it. Your are likely very fond of plants, animals, nature, and you have a close-knit group of friends. Remember to never let anyone talk down to you because of your kindness, but rather use it to show the world a different kind of power. Your house colors are black and yellow.

What about a Ravenclaw?
The cleverest of houses, is where you belong. Your outstanding smarts and wits have earned you a place among the brightest witches and wizards of your age. While Ravenclaw may have a reputation for being rather aloof, don't be intimidated by the genius of your companions. Most are just as willing to trick Peeves into setting Professor Flitwick's robes on fire as they are to stay up all night studying for an exam. It is likely you have always stood out from your peers as being quieter and more mature than those your age. You have a few friends, who you keep close, who are either at the same level of intellect as you, or perhaps even a bit lower. You are fairly uninterested in social settings, unless it is to study the behaviors of those gathered, but you are likely an excellent athlete if you find your sport.

While your brains may get your far in the world, it may hinder your ability to connect with the people around you. Try to remember that sometimes it really is best to have a casual conversation, and save your quotes of wise authors past for your debates in the common room.

Poll Time!

Which Harry Potter House were you sorted into?

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