Which Fantasy character are you?

Well. Don't expect anything... grand.

Created by Meigan (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 25, 2016

Pick a place.

Choose a Netflix Original Series.


The classic island question--what three items do you bring to those deserted shores?

Based on the covers alone, which YA series would you most likely pick up?

Choose a celestial body.

Your idea of a good time?

Rain or shine?

What TV-trope are you?

Choose your weapon.

Which fantastical creature do you identify with the most?

There are only four professions left in the world. Pick one.

About how much sleep do you get?



You're the character most likely to tear down the heavens! Though you might have been a little lost when you were younger, you're now self-assured, determined, and Ready To Fight. Protecting the people you love is a high-ranking priority in life, right after food and sleep. And while you're perfectly capable and absurdly stubborn, don't forget that, sometimes, accepting help from others isn't so bad. They're not entirely useless, y'know.



You're the character most likely to die! Well, sort of. While you may come off as unnervingly level-headed and knowledgeable, you aren't always a hundred percent in control, and will occasionally get eaten by a dragon. And you're okay with that! You can accept help when it's needed; you recognize value in others. And so long as your family is safe, you tend to hide any anxieties and fears you have behind a smooth mask. Congratulations, you're one content looking motherfucker.



You're the character most likely to begrudgingly be a part of the narrative! You tend to stay in the background, helping only when others are a mistake away from falling on their own swords. Tinkering and tampering is more your style. But, when you do take charge, goddesses help us all, cause you'll get the job done one way or another. Just remember that you can relax every once in a while. It's not your job to be exasperated and, um, slightly rude all the time.



You're the character most likely to accidentally kill someone! But don't worry, it's not really your fault--well, it is, but you sure aren't going to shoulder the blame. At least, not publicly. Because while you are capable of feeling guilty about the frequent messes you make, you'd rather preen about and act with false bravado than face what you've done. Maybe that's why you're so easy to get along with. Or not.

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