Become professional and great teacher in English
Become professional and great teacher in English
One sentence that can easily paraphrase the definition of a teacher is that they are the people who love their subject and understand how to relate with the kids and help them to grow. A great teacher is a lot more than books and the classroom.
One sentence that can easily paraphrase the definition of a teacher is that they are the people who love their subject and understand how to relate with the kids and help them to grow. A great teacher is a lot more than books and the classroom.
China is high on demand for English teachers. And teaching English in China is becoming the first priority for the school department. There is one more step to be a professional and great English teacher Patience is the strong weapon of a professional teacher because not every student is different in all aspects. There are some characters and qualities of a good English teacher
· Imaginative
· Enough innovative
· Interactive in nature
· Think independently
Imaginative - an imaginative mind can do anything. Because our brain will try to reach our ideas. But imagination without participation is no more useful.
Language is not that stuff material to learn, and a great teacher knows how it will work.
A brilliant teacher knows how to let every student participate in their own imagination and break those barriers. They will let the students know how to create self-expression .if the student stops imagination; they will get bored by revising the previous knowledge that is passing from one teacher to the student.
Its well-proved student always enjoys guiding by a profoundly imaginative teacher.
Enough innovative - what is gone is gone, we should pass it. But not that easy for one who doesn't want to be enough innovative. Innovation helps to explore new things, and it brings changes.
It dares not be a coward, but be a unique one, allows to experiment on new things. Especially it keeps mind fresh. An English teacher must possess this quality because English need to be innovative and creative. A good teacher knows how to make student innovative with their ideas and let them create something with the previous learning
Interactive in nature - the learning process goes with the knowledge from each other. An interactive English class caters to the communication skills of the student. They motivate the student, encourage them to implement, and evaluate and learn from each other. They also create opportunity through commutainment.
Think independently - this process allows you to think on your own. Equipping the children with this knowledge of critical thinking. So that they can create according to their vision, not through anyone else's. This skill helps to take the student from the dependent stage to the independent stage. Gradually they will start winning over this.
Besides all these qualities a profession word is strict to specification. Being a professional in English teaching one must have proper knowledge of grammar, and should be expert in public speaking.
A teacher who is possessed with all these qualities can take up the level of the child to the next level. Not every student is a great learner, but it the greatness of the teacher who made the student sufficient. Teaching English in China is supported by the government. People of China prefer British teacher for the English.