Are You As Happy As You Think You Are?
Are You As Happy As You Think You Are?
Your brain could be hiding your true feelings from you. These 12 simple questions will reveal them.
Your brain could be hiding your true feelings from you. These 12 simple questions will reveal them.

Does listening to music ever make you emotional?
What kind of book are you reading right now?
How do you feel when you're in a crowd?
When you have a problem, do you rely on your family and close friends to help you solve it?
How important are the opinions of family members when it comes to the life choices you make?
How do you handle heartbreak?
How often do you think about your own death?
Where do you turn to figure out the world when it gets confusing?
Do you ever feel like there is something missing in your life?
Does it ever feel like happiness is a mask that you can put on or take off?
You Are Not Happy
You Are Not Happy
You're not very happy at all, but you already knew that. Your brain isn't hiding anything from you. That's good news, though. Now that you know that you aren't happy, you can start working towards becoming happy! You know what you need to do. You just need to decide that you are worth the work.
You Are Mostly Pretending To Be Happy
You Are Mostly Pretending To Be Happy
You are mostly pretending to be happy. This may come to a surprise to you because your brain has done a good job of hiding your unhappiness from you with rationalizations, wrong thinking, and memory repression. Now that you know this is happening, you can cut through all that and get to the work of getting happy and staying that way.
You Aren't Quite As Happy As You Think You Are
You Aren't Quite As Happy As You Think You Are
You're not quite as happy as you pretend to be. You might not know it, though. Your brain has been hiding this fact from you with distractions, drama and endless rationalizations. Now that you know this, whenever you catch your brain telling you things are okay when they're not, or creating drama out of thin air, dig deeper and find out what you're really feeling.
You Are As Happy As You Think You Are
You Are As Happy As You Think You Are
You are as happy as you think you are. That doesn't mean that you are over-the-moon deliriously happy all the time. It just means that your brain isn't trying to hide anything from you. You are honest with yourself about your true feelings, which means you can feel sad when things aren't going well and happy when they are.