Pair These Beers To Each Part Of Your Menstrual Cycle!
Pair These Beers To Each Part Of Your Menstrual Cycle!
Lager, stout, or IPA? Where you are in your cycle might just hold the key.
Lager, stout, or IPA? Where you are in your cycle might just hold the key.

Day 2
Bud Light
Don't turn your nose up at this classic 'Murican brew. Day two is typically the day you have to go to the drug store to get supplies because you're down to a few pantyliners and four Pamprins. While you're there, you might as well grab a sixer. At least this beer won't make you feel bloated. Or any more bloated than you already are anyway.
Day 3
Not many people know this but experts refer to the third day of your period as the "Danger, Danger Will Robinson!" day. If there was any day when you were in danger of becoming a blubbering and/or angry drunk, it's this cursed day. This full-bodied, double hopped beer will keep you from drinking too much, or switching to tequila. Tequila and day three do NOT mix!
Harpoon Take 5 Session IPA
This smooth, full-flavored ale will give you the mid-cycled beer binge you deserve, but it's low alcohol: just 4.3 ABV. That way you can pound a few of these bad boys and stay on your toes so you don't do something stupid like forget to take your BC pill. Now is not the time for that crap! Stay on target!
Oh No! It's Late!
St. Pauli N.A.
Let's not take any chances until you pee on that stick. If you must drink beer, and yes you must, go with this non-alcoholic beer. This way, if anyone asks, you can say that no, you have not been drinking. For those of you who think non-alcoholic beer isn't real beer, give it a chance. Hey, every pregnant woman you've ever meant can't be wrong. Whoops, I didn't mean to say the P-word. I mean...I'm sure it's fine.