Can We Guess If You're A Professional Chef By Your Ingredient Knowledge?
Can We Guess If You're A Professional Chef By Your Ingredient Knowledge?
Are you a chef or do you just think like one?
Are you a chef or do you just think like one?

What would you pair these beauties with?
Which country did this ham come from?
How would you compare the flavor of this quail's egg with a chicken egg?
What dish would you use this ingredient in?
Why would you use this Buddha's Hand in a dish?
What would you call these?
Take a guess. What kind of sausage is this?
How does the flavor of this black garlic differ from regular garlic?
What type of cuisine would you expect to see this ingredient used in?
What kind of beans are in these pods?
You are a chef!
You are a chef!
We're guessing that you're a chef. No one but a fully-trained chef could know so much about food, flavor and quality ingredients. If you aren't a chef maybe you should consider becoming one. The culinary world needs you.
You are a sous chef!
You are a sous chef!
We're guessing you are a sous chef. You know enough about food to be working under a top chef. If not, maybe you're a line cook or perhaps a culinary student. If you aren't a culinary student now, you should consider enrolling. You'd do very well.
You are a home cook!
You are a home cook!
We're guessing that you're a really quality home cook. Your friends and family can't get enough of your culinary creations. They tell you all the time that you should become a professional chef. Maybe you should listen to them.
You are not a chef!
You are not a chef!
We're guessing that you are not a chef. That's fine. You don't need to go to culinary school to order take-out, right? Next time you're considering having cereal for dinner again, though, consider picking up a cookbook.