What Percentage Mean Girl Are You?
What Percentage Mean Girl Are You?
Face it, we all have a little Mean Girl in us.
Face it, we all have a little Mean Girl in us.

Do you have rules for your friends?
If a fight broke out right in front of you, what would you do?
How do you act when you meet someone for the first time?
How do you react when things don't go quite as planned?
Do you like to get together with your friends and talk smack about everyone you know?
Are you supportive of your friend's ideas...even the dumb ones?
Are you nice to yourself?
Be honest. Do you like this skirt? It's vintage.
What would you do if your friend showed up in public looking like this?
If your friends could hear what you say about them when they aren't around, what would they do to you?
0% Mean Girl
0% Mean Girl
Mean? You? You want to bake a cake out of rainbows and smiles for everyone to share. Sure, you don't even go here, but you have a lot of feelings.
20% Mean Girl
20% Mean Girl
Mean? No. Not you. You're not like regular people, you're cool. All you want to do is bring people snacks and get the 411, how could that be mean?
30% Mean Girl
30% Mean Girl
Mean? You?! Not likely! You are always so nice to people...especially if their last name is Coco. You can be mean when you run into someone who happens to bear a passing resemblance to Danny DeVito, but deep down, you're really nice, and you can TOTALLY function...no matter what your friends say.
60% Mean Girl
60% Mean Girl
Oh come on! You are not mean! You are always trying to introduce people to obscure British slang. How is that mean? Then again...there are evil people, and then there are people who see evil happening and do nothing about it. That's you. Also, you would totally kick your friend off the lunch table for wearing sweatpants.
100% Mean Girl
100% Mean Girl
You're not mean. You're just misunder.... Oh who are we kidding?! You are a life ruiner. Evil takes human form in you. There are entire gyms filled with people who have been personally victimized by you. You just need a massive attitude adjustment. How are your crossing-the-street skills?