Where Are You When The Beat Drops?
Where Are You When The Beat Drops?
When is the beat going to drop? The music has been building for seven minutes now. You keep thinking it's about to drop, and then it just doesn't. When the heck will it? This quiz has no idea, but it knows where you'll be when it finally does.
When is the beat going to drop? The music has been building for seven minutes now. You keep thinking it's about to drop, and then it just doesn't. When the heck will it? This quiz has no idea, but it knows where you'll be when it finally does.

Describe what is happening in this photo.
Who is your TV sitcom hero?
How single are you?
What frightens you the most?
Finish this sentence: At parties, I'm the one who...
If you had to choose one book to read for the rest of your life, which would it be?
What is your all-you-can-eat-buffet strategy?
How sweet are your moves?
Who's driving?
It's time to leave the club, how quickly can you get your butt out the door?
You are on the floor.
You are on the floor.
Your hands are up in the air, like you just don't care, but you do care very much. You've been waiting for the drop for what seems like forever, but it's only been about three minutes. You've sensed that it's been coming for some time now, so you kept your hands hands below your shoulders, waiting for just the right moment. Now that it's here, you throw your hands up, and pump them, fingers splayed like you're pointing to ten places at once because that's where the love is. Everywhere. The love is everywhere.
You are in the bathroom.
You are in the bathroom.
Which is strange for two reasons. One: you're in the wrong bathroom, and two: you don't need to go (like at all!). The explanation is simple: you followed someone wearing a bear suit in there because you assumed they had honey and honey is sweet. Now, you're in a small stall making out with like five people...and one bear. One of you (the bear maybe?) notices the drop and murmurs, "Woo." But the rest of you keep on with your mack on.
You are under the cocktail station.
You are under the cocktail station.
Earlier, you wandered onto the dance floor because you saw something shiny, but the dancers frightened you. No big deal. You handled it by hiding under your forearms where no one can see you. When you sensed that the beat was about to drop, you remembered your training and sprinted calmly over to the bar so you could duck and cover under the cocktail station. Ooh! Look. A penny. Oh...it's a bottle cap. ... Even better!
You are at home.
You are at home.
The only way your bed could be comfier is if there were toast in it. Wait! Here it is under the pillow, and it's got jam on it. Now you just need to decide if you want to read the Haruki Murakami novel you downloaded or watch another Downton Abbey. How to choose? You've got it! You'll read one chapter of Sputnik Sweetheart, then watch the Sherlock trailer again and then stay up until 3AM catching up on the Crawley family. Smart.