10 Invisible Signs Of Depression That You May Not Have Even Noticed
10 Invisible Signs Of Depression That You May Not Have Even Noticed
Depression is getting more and more common these days. Are you depressed and just don't know it? Take this quiz to find out.
Depression is getting more and more common these days. Are you depressed and just don't know it? Take this quiz to find out.
Do you have depression and just don't know it?
1.You're talking about philosophical subjects
2. You're not sleeping as much as you usually do. OR, you're sleep TOO much.
3. Every little thing bothers you.
4. A general sense of fatigue for no good reason
5. Speaking slowly
6. Low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness
7. Trouble remembering things
8. You're quick to blame yourself for something that isn't your fault
9. You get irritated when plans change unexpectedly
10. You have a successful career or are obsessed with success
10. You have a successful career or are obsessed with success
People with depression find it difficult to engage in intimate relationships and will therefore put all their focus on career-oriented goals to avoid getting too involved with a relationship.