Are You Easily Manipulated?

Are you easy to take advantage of? Take this quiz to find out.

Melissa Bamford
Created by Melissa Bamford
On May 25, 2018

Have you ever been lied to successfully?

Do you get lied to often? Even as a joke?

When someone asks you to do something, do you do it?

Have you ever done something you weren't comfortable with?

Would you do almost anything to keep others happy?

Do you hate losing?

Do people give you intense details on a task they want you to do or is it usually just a brief explanation?

Your co-worker is sick and asks you to do their work for them, what do you do?

Yes, you are easily manipulated

Yes, you are easily manipulated

Sorry to say this,'re easily manipulated. You tend to believe anything people tell you and you have this need for people to like you which makes you all the more gullible.

No, you are not easily manipulated

No, you are not easily manipulated

Nothing gets past you. People try to throw you off, but you're really good at staying strong and put your opinion and beliefs before others.

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