Are You Low, Middle Or High Class?
Are You Low, Middle Or High Class?
Where do you fall on the scale?
Where do you fall on the scale?

Pick a glass of wine:
Pick a store to shop at:
Pick an old hollywood flick to watch:
Pick a country to live in:
Pick a cereal:
Pick a necklace:
Pick a party dress:
Pick something to order for breakfast:
You are...Low Class
You are...Low Class
You're at the bottom of the barrel...the last one picked. You live a simple life without many frills, but that's exactly the way you like it.
You are...Middle Class
You are...Middle Class
You're just average when it comes to classes, but honestly, you like it just fine. You have everything you could ever want and then some. Save the private jets for people who actually need them.
You are...High Class
You are...High Class
You're the cream of the crop, the top of the rock, you're the definition of style and class. It's gotten you far in life, careful not to get too full of yourself...