Are You Secretly A Little Kid? Or A Grandma?
Are You Secretly A Little Kid? Or A Grandma?
You may be an adult, but every adult has either a little girl or a grandma hiding in them. Seniors and children are similar in some ways...they both really like candy and they both like to do goofy dances. But there are also some major differences between an oldie and a newbie. Take this quiz to find out who's living in YOU!
You may be an adult, but every adult has either a little girl or a grandma hiding in them. Seniors and children are similar in some ways...they both really like candy and they both like to do goofy dances. But there are also some major differences between an oldie and a newbie. Take this quiz to find out who's living in YOU!

What do you look for in a friend?
What kind of pet would you choose?
Pick a candy:
Pick a game to play:
What do you like to do on your spare time?
Which field do you work in?
Would you consider yourself to be messy or clean?
What's your idea of a good night out?
You are secretly a....Grandma
You are secretly a....Grandma
You've got a raging Grandma in you! You like to take it slow, smell the roses and do what grandmas do best!
You are secretly a...Little Kid
You are secretly a...Little Kid
You're full of energy like a little kid! You like to run, play and do crazy things. Even though you're an adult, you've still got the spirit of a child in you.