Can You Identify The Disney Movie From One Random Line?
Can You Identify The Disney Movie From One Random Line?
"Why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat?" Which movie is this phrase from? You'll never guess!
"Why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat?" Which movie is this phrase from? You'll never guess!

Created by Melissa Bamford
On Jun 24, 2020
1 / 10
"You fight almost as well as a man."
2 / 10
"Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat?"
3 / 10
"My children never caused such trouble, they all became acupuncturists."
4 / 10
"Whad'you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?!"
5 / 10
"Holy Mother of Megazon! Am I the only one seeing this?"
6 / 10
"Come on flea bag, forward!"
7 / 10
"Daddy, they took my boot!"
8 / 10
"You wanna know something else? I never liked your spinach puffs. Never!"
9 / 10
"Is this an audience or a mosaic?"
10 / 10
"Well, I feel sheepish."
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