Tell Us What Of The Following You Think Is Funny And We'll Tell You What Your Style Of Humor Is
Tell Us What Of The Following You Think Is Funny And We'll Tell You What Your Style Of Humor Is
There are four humor styles, which one is your signature?
There are four humor styles, which one is your signature?

What's funnier, Friends or Seinfeld?
What's funnier, South Park or The Simpsons?
Do you think Monty Python is funny?
Do you think Aziz Ansari is funny?
Which famous SNL cast member is the funniest?
Which female comedian do you roll over for?
Your friend falls head first into a garbage can, how do you react?
Which late-night host is funnier?
Your style is...Self-defeating humor
Your style is...Self-defeating humor
Amy Schumer or Hannibal Buress is a perfect example of this style. They've got this "poor me" vibe that makes you feel sorry for them while laughing your butt off. It's a little bit of Schaudenfraude on your part, but's funny!
Your style is...Aggressive humor
Your style is...Aggressive humor
This is the kind of humor Joan Rivers and Bill Burr uses. It's goal is to put-down or point out a flaw in someone or something. It's the kind of humor bullies use where it's funny for everyone watching but not the people it's targeting. Though they may laugh out of discomfort...
Your style is...Self-enhancing humor
Your style is...Self-enhancing humor
This is the kinda humor where you are using yourself as an example. Finding the "funny" in your own life in hopes that it relates to others is a perfect example of self-enhancing humor. Comedians like Jon Stewart will often use this style and say things like "maybe I'm crazy, but—". Kinda poking fun at himself in hopes it relates to the audience.
Your style is...Affiliative humor
Your style is...Affiliative humor
Jerry Seinfeld is a perfect example of the Affiliative humor style. It's the kind of humor that brings people together and create a sense of community. Like "Have you ever noticed that—" or "Isn't it funny how—". If you prefer jokes about common occurrences and animals, affiliate is exactly our kinda humor.