This Health Test Will Reveal Whether You're Properly Hydrated At This Moment
This Health Test Will Reveal Whether You're Properly Hydrated At This Moment
Betcha anything that you aren't as hydrated as you think you are. Water is KEY to life yet 90% of us walk around all day, dehydrated! Take this extensive health quiz to find out where you fall on the hydration scale.
Betcha anything that you aren't as hydrated as you think you are. Water is KEY to life yet 90% of us walk around all day, dehydrated! Take this extensive health quiz to find out where you fall on the hydration scale.

Look at your lips right now, what do they look like?
Feel your hands right now, what do they feel like?
Gather some saliva in your mouth, how long does it take?
What did your pee look like last time you went to the bathroom?
Last time you went...ahem...number 2, what was the "vibe"?
Do your limbs fall asleep easily?
Which of the following is true?
What does the inside of your mouth feel like right now?
Yay! You're super hydrated!
Yay! You're super hydrated!
According to your test, you're super hydrated, maybe even TOO hydrated! Lay off the water would ya!?
You're kind of hydrated
You're kind of hydrated
You're hydrated like an "average" amount, not too much, not too little. It's a good place to be. Refreshing!
You're not hydrated! Drink some water stat!
You're not hydrated! Drink some water stat!
Yikes! Get yourself to the nearest water fountain because your H2O stores are dangerously low!
This Health Test Will Reveal Whether You're Properly Hydrated At This Moment