What Type Of Valentine Are You?
What Type Of Valentine Are You?
There are 4 types of Valentines in the world. Are you the Pessimistic Valentine? What about the Obsessive Valentine. Take this quiz and find out the truth!
There are 4 types of Valentines in the world. Are you the Pessimistic Valentine? What about the Obsessive Valentine. Take this quiz and find out the truth!

Where would you love your Valentine to take you on Valentine's day?
Which of these Valentine's candies are your favorite?
Do you mostly spend Valentine's day single? Or coupled up?
Do you go for the funny Valentine's cards? Or the mushy ones?
Which of these singer-songwriters would you like to be your Valentine?
What's your favorite holiday, besides Valentine's Day?
Which of these phrases describes your feelings on Valentine's Day?
What would you love to receive as a gift from your Valentine?
You are...the obsessive Valentine
You are...the obsessive Valentine
You love everything about Valentines day, the cute little cards, the chocolate, the flowers the people kissing in the street. It's your favorite holiday of all time and you like to go ALL OUT.
You are...the pessimistic Valentine
You are...the pessimistic Valentine
You actually dread Valentine's day. It's a stupid, commercial holiday and all the couples around you make you sick! I guess it doesn't help that you're always single on Valentine's day...
You are...the "free love" Valentine
You are...the "free love" Valentine
For you, Valentine's Day is more metaphorical than literal. It's a day to love everything. Your partner, your mom, your dog, your soap dish. It's the day of love man.
You are...the hungry Valentine
You are...the hungry Valentine
For you, Valentine's Day is all about the candy! You're talking cinnamon hearts, chocolate truffles, chocolate strawberries. Bring on the chocolate. What else is Valentine's Day for?
What Type Of Valentine Are You?