What's Your Strongest Personality Trait?
What's Your Strongest Personality Trait?
What's the one thing that sets you apart from the rest?
What's the one thing that sets you apart from the rest?
What do you usually order at the coffee shop?
Pick a color:
What do people usually compliment you on?
What size of bed do you sleep in?
Pick a flower:
Do you tend to follow your head or your heart?
Would you rather live in the city or the country?
What's your favorite style of music?
Your strongest personality trait is...humor
Your strongest personality trait is...humor
You're as good as any comedian out there. Your friends value you for your humor and easy going attitude. You always bring a positive, light-hearted spin to most situations and have a ton of jokes under your sleeve.
Your strongest personality trait is...empathy
Your strongest personality trait is...empathy
Your strongest trait is empathy. You are able to feel other's emotions and feelings very deeply. You can connect to people on a very deep, sincere level and that's what people love about you.
Your strongest personality trait is...intelligence
Your strongest personality trait is...intelligence
You are very well read and always have an answer for every question. Your friends keep you around because of all they learn from you.
Your strongest personality trait is...honesty
Your strongest personality trait is...honesty
You are a very direct and to-the-point kind of person. People value you because you always speak your mind and you have a no-BS kind of attitude.