According To Your Personality Which Mixed Breed Puppy Should You Adopt?
According To Your Personality Which Mixed Breed Puppy Should You Adopt?
Can't decide on which mixed breed puppy to adopt? Take this quiz to find out which one is the perfect puppy for you!
Can't decide on which mixed breed puppy to adopt? Take this quiz to find out which one is the perfect puppy for you!

What is your favorite sport?
What's your ideal day job?
What's your favorite movie about dogs?
Pick your favorite cartoon dog:
Pick a dog-friendly treat:
Pick a style of leash:
What's the best name for a male dog?
You should adopt a...Cockapoo
You should adopt a...Cockapoo
Cockapoos are easily the most popular mixed breed out there. A cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. They're fun loving yet also have an attitude to them. Full of energy and excitement, just like you!
You should adopt a...Puggle
You should adopt a...Puggle
Puggles are a cross between a pug and a beagle and are considered to be playful, intelligent and "keen". A Puggle would be perfect for a person like you who loves cuddling and play!
You should adopt a...Bullgi
You should adopt a...Bullgi
Bullgis are a cross between a French Bull Dog and a Corgi. They're bold, friendly and unique! The two of you will definitely turn heads when you walk down the block.
You should adopt a...Pomsky
You should adopt a...Pomsky
Pomskies have become super popular over the past few years. They're a cross between a Husky and a Pomeranian and they're super cute! They grow up to be pretty big and have an independent spirit to them which would be perfect for your lifestyle.