Which Real Life Princess Is Most Like You?
Which Real Life Princess Is Most Like You?
Everyone has taken the "which Disney princess are you" test, but what about which "real life princess are you" test!? Just like you and me, every princess is different. Which of the following real life princess are you most similar to? Take this quiz to find out!
Everyone has taken the "which Disney princess are you" test, but what about which "real life princess are you" test!? Just like you and me, every princess is different. Which of the following real life princess are you most similar to? Take this quiz to find out!

Where would you like to get married to your prince?
Which of these princes would you choose to marry?
What color hair do you have?
How many siblings do you have?
If you were a princess, what would be your favorite part?
Pick a dress for your royal wedding:
Which Disney princess do you most relate to?
Pick a castle to live in:
You are most like...Princess Charlene Of Monaco
You are most like...Princess Charlene Of Monaco
Princess Charlene exercises traditional, royal family values in her home. Like Charlene, you would love nothing more than to raise your own batch of princes and princesses. You're a family woman, that's for sure.
You are most like...Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana of Thailand
You are most like...Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana of Thailand
Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana is all about the glam life that being born into royalty brings. She spends a lot of time at fashion shows and has even modelled for a few labels. For you...like is about making a splash. You wanna see the world and be seen.
You are most like...Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco
You are most like...Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco
Princess Lalla Salma has a heart of gold. The thing she loves most about being a princess is the opportunities it brings her to change the world. You have big plans to do good in the world some day. You're a true peace-maker at heart.
You are most like...Princess Sofia of Sweden
You are most like...Princess Sofia of Sweden
Princess Sofia is the people's princess. She's a bit of a social butterfly. She talks to the people of her kingdom as if they're her best friends. She's very down to earth and gives everyone the time of day no matter what class they're in.