Do You Have A Highly Sensitive Child?

A Highly Sensitive Child may be mislabeled as difficult, challenging, impossible, dramatic or too sensitive. Many HSCs tend to pick up on subtleties and “read the energy” of people, places and things. They process deeply, get easily over-stimulated, have big emotions, experience deep empathy and notice the subtle stimuli around them.

Leading Edge Parenting
Created by Leading Edge Parenting (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 24, 2016

Is your child drawn to animals and nature?

Does your child complain about clothing tags, itchy fabrics, seams on socks, etc?

Is your child prone to having a tantrum or breakdown in public?

Is your child a "picky" eater?

Does your child dislike being wet or sandy?

Would you describe your child as dramatic, a "big reactor" or overly emotional?

Do you see an affinity for art, music or other creative expression in your child?

Does it usually take your child time to "warm up" when meeting new people?

Would you say your child daydreams or has a vivid imagination?

Does your child notice when other people are upset?

Highly Sensitive

Highly Sensitive

The Highly Sensitive Child seems to notice everything — you might say they are detail-oriented. Extremely sensitive to their surroundings, noticing subtleties, needing downtime to process and having huge emotional reactions are their norm. It can be challenging for a parent when an HSC is uncomfortable with the way something feels, smells, or tastes. Rather than labeling these children as “fussy” or “difficult,” it’s important to honor their keen perception and help them coexist with life. When these children are nurtured with understanding they can learn to soothe themselves, which frees them to use their sensitivity to have a positive impact on their world.

Visit to download a free eBook "Self Care for Sensitive Children" and learn more about supporting your Highly Sensitive Child.

Moderately Sensitive

Moderately Sensitive

The Moderately Sensitive Child likes to flow with life, which requires considerable patience on the part of adults. It takes these children longer to adjust to new people and places. They may not be eager to try different foods or might resist entering an unfamiliar situation. It’s a mistake to think that hurrying such children or demanding them to “get moving” is helping them feel secure. However, once a child with this temperament feels comfortable on their own, their gifts begin to emerge.

Visit to download a free eBook "Self Care for Sensitive Children" and to learn more about your Moderately Sensitive Child's temperament.

Lightly Sensitive

Lightly Sensitive

The Lightly Sensitive Child appears to handle life calmly and without too much difficulty. Such children find their rhythm and make peace with their surroundings. Parents describe them as “easy to handle” and label them “good” children because they tend to be flexible and easily adapt to different situations. Because of this tendency, it is essential for a parent not to give these children the idea that their role in life is to please others. They deserve the freedom to express their opinions and wishes without feeling they need approval or are responsible for pleasing the adults around them.

Visit to download a free eBook "Self Care for Sensitive Children" and to learn more about your Lightly Sensitive Child.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021