Which Looking Glass Character are you?
Which Looking Glass Character are you?
Which character from the Looking Glass series are you??
Which character from the Looking Glass series are you??

Which of these vaguely sad lyrics do you relate to the most?
Pick an insult
In one word, you are
What sounds like the most torture to you?
Pick a book
Pick an Old Photo
Describe your style
What YA book character would you be?
What would you do if a ghost showed up in your room?
Worst fault?
Extrovert or Introvert?
Worst fear?
Pick a thing you'd want for christmas
You annoy people by
When a friend is sad, I....
What sort of movie would you watch?
Last question! But in the end you are....
HAHAHA I lied there's more.
August Emerson
August Emerson
You are definitely a fun person! You care a lot about people, and are determined to make good out of everything. You also tend to be a slight goodball. You're easily excited, kind of a go-with-the-flow. You know what you want to be and you're determined to be just that, even if it makes you seem a bit overambitious.
Lainey Kingston
Lainey Kingston
You're a quiet one, but a lover of knowledge. You love learning things and finding out the truth behind everything. You can come across sometimes as too shy to talk to anyone, but you do have a sense of humor and you do care about people, even if they're overwhelming. You can be kinda hard on yourself, but you're kind.
Theodore Morris
Theodore Morris
Yep. You're a lot of fun. You like people, but you definitely prefer to sit around and enjoy some movies and close friends than huge events, no matter how exciting they can be. You can come across very snarky and sarcastic at times, but you really do love those close to you, and you'd do anything to help them out, even if you're not the best at being outspoken about it. You're loyal to a fault....but sometimes, you just have to step back and forgive yourself.
Ethel Conway
Ethel Conway
You, despite potential stubborness, are a strong-willed person. You are determined, loyal, and quick thinking, but the tiniest bit harsh at times. You tend to not like thinking or talking about past mistakes, but in the end they've made you stronger. You sometimes worry about if everything is worth it, and even if you seem borderline mean, you love your friends and family in a huge way.
Clara Kingston
Clara Kingston
You're practical, but still in search of a good time. You're cautious, you tend not to like rushing into anything, but this means you're good at taking a step back to look at the big picture. You have a hard time opening up, and while you seem well-mannered, it's extremely easy to make you awkward. You're scared sometimes, often about irrational things. You want to help out in any way you can, and the desire for excitement and importance in your life drives you.