What Type Of Doll Are You?
What Type Of Doll Are You?
Are you a baby doll? A BJD? Maybe you're a Barbie in disguise? Test out what sort of doll you should be in your alternative life.
Are you a baby doll? A BJD? Maybe you're a Barbie in disguise? Test out what sort of doll you should be in your alternative life.

What music type do you like to listen to?
What do you prefer to do in your spare time?
What is your favorite genre of movie?
If you can live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
How do you dress?
You are a Blythe
You are a Blythe
You don't like to be like everyone else, and it shows! Fun, high-energy and easy going. Nothing bothers you since you can change the color of your eyes by pulling on a string.
You are Barbie
You are Barbie
You can't make up your mind. First you want to be an actor, then you want to be a teacher, then you want to work at McDonald's. Make up your mind already! You do have the best house, best car and best boyfriend, so you at least have that.
You are an ABJD
You are an ABJD
You resemble an anime character. You are spunky, creative and maybe a little weird, but HEY at least you can change your wig and eyes at the drop of a hat. You could even change bodies if you are bored, which you are...a lot!
You are a Baby Doll
You are a Baby Doll
You're a homebody and would love to just stay at home and relax. You're a loving, caring person that knows their softer side.
You are a Fashion Doll
You are a Fashion Doll
OMG SHOES! Is that a Chanel? Well you look as fabulous as you can. Every hair is in place. Make up in order. Time to walk the runway since you'd fit right in on one!
You are a Monster High Doll
You are a Monster High Doll
You are creative and edgy. Quirky, you like things on the darker side.
You're a Vintage Doll
You're a Vintage Doll
You love all the classics and it shows! Why bother reinventing the wheel when you can be a stylish doll from when you were a kid! You'll love to travel back in time and see history in the making.