The HARDEST, MOST INTENSE Harry Potter Quiz You Will EVER Take!
The HARDEST, MOST INTENSE Harry Potter Quiz You Will EVER Take!
Are you a TRUE Harry Potter fan? Do you know the Harry Potter books like the back of your hand? Only this will tell...
Are you a TRUE Harry Potter fan? Do you know the Harry Potter books like the back of your hand? Only this will tell...

What unlikely person in Harry's neighborhood, Little Whinging, had been in contact with the wizarding world for years?
What is Cho Chang's favorite international Quidditch team?
After Fleur Delacour graduates from Beaxbatons what does she end up doing?
During the Last Battle in the seventh book, how does Professor Trelawney fight back?
What is Kingsley Shacklebolt's Patronus?
In what year at Hogwarts did James, Sirius and Peter become successful Animagus?
Who was the Care of Magical Creatures teacher before Hagrid?
What was Dobby's first attempt to keep Harry from going back to Hogwarts?
At the beginning of the seventh book, Harry and the others meet at the Burrow after being attacked by Death Eaters en route. What does everyone have to drink afterwards?
In the seventh book, Harry Potter cuts his finger as he is cleaning out his trunk. What does he cut his finger on?
In the fourth book, Hermione is insulted by Malfoy. When she smiles back at him, Harry and Ron notice that something is different about her - what is it?
In the seventh book, why did Hagrid eventually have to flee Hogwarts?
What vault number was the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone kept in?
In the first chapter of the first book, what does Dumbledore say right before he disapparates?
In the second book, Harry and Ron are on their way to talk to Moaning Myrtle when they are stopped by Professor McGonagall. They excuse themselves by saying they are trying to visit Hermione in the Hospital Wing. How does McGonagall react to this excuse?
What is one of the ingredients Hermione steals from Snape's private stores in order to complete the Polyjuice Potion in the second book?
How many O.W.L.'s did Hermione get?
Who made Victor Krum's wand?
Which of Ron's brothers was considered a brilliant seeker when he attended Hogwarts?
When does Harry first discover that Sirius Black is going after him?
Where does Harry learn of the name "Nicholas Flemel" for the first time?
In the sixth book Dumbledore drinks the green potion in order to retrieve the locket. Afterwards, he begs for water, but Harry is unable to get water without filling the goblet from the lake. When he does this, he is unable to bring the goblet to Dumbledore's lips. Why?
What is Mr. Weasley's "dearest ambition"?
What spell notify's the wizard if there are other humans in a dwelling?
What foul substance coated Hermione's hands when she opened a letter in the fourth book?
On the night that Harry first took a swallow of Felix Felisis he met Slughorn on the way. Slughorn ended up accompanying him, and Slughorn later returned with what two things to sell for gold?
What kind of wood is Harry's Wand made of?
What happened the first time Sirius Black broke into Hogwarts?
After Sirius Black's death, Buckbeak is given back to Hagrid. In order to avoid any inquiries, what do they rename the hipogriff?
What big news did Rita Skeeter publish about Hagrid?
Who destroys the Horcrux made from Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem?
What is Harry Potter's favorite treat/dessert?
What are the Mascots for each house in Hogwarts?
What prediction did Professor Trelawney make concerning Lavender Brown?
How did Neville Longbottom's family finally discover that he WAS a wizard?
When does Harry kiss Ginny for the first time?
In the maze of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry came across a sphinx, and the sphinx gave him a riddle. What was the answer to that riddle?
What kind of wizard candy does Dumbledore not particularly like?
What creature was in the tank in Lupin's office in the third book?
Who becomes the next minister of magic after Cornelius Fudge is sacked?
What does Arthur Weasley call his wife when they are alone together?
Who is Arnold?
In the third book, each third year student of Gryffindor comes into contact with a boggart - making them confront their worst fears. What does the boggart turn into when it reaches Seamus Finnigan?
During Dumbledore's funeral in the fifth book, everyone hears an otherworldly singing that mourns Professor Dumbledore's death. Where is this coming from?
What is Professor Lockhart's ideal birthday gift?
Who was Harry scared of offending by putting Dean Thomas on the quidditch team?
Which of the Deathly Hallows did Harry think was the "best"?
What is Madam Pomfrey's first name?
What was Luna's question to Harry when he asked her to go to Slughorn's party with him?
What is Ron's middle name?