Which Type of Girl are You?

Which type of girl are you? Take this quiz to find out!

Mermaid 0513
Created by Mermaid 0513 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 26, 2015

Are you a heart or head person?

Do people consider you a girly-girl or tomboy?

Your friend and you get in a fight, do you...

How would you describe yourself?

Which element do you FEEL you are?

A huge heart breaking problem randomly comes your way, do you...

Do you stick up for yourself?

Pick an outfit!

What's your favorite color out of these options?

What's your very very SPECIFIC favorite color?

RANDOM ROUND! (Click one!)

What is your favorite TV show out of these?

Do you consider yourself a, "Chill Person?"

Are you a cat person or dog person?

Let me decide your fate... >:)

Sweet and Sensitive!

Sweet and Sensitive!

You're sweet and sensitive! Everybody loves you and there is no possible way for you to hate on anyone. Sticking up for yourself might be a problem, mostly because you could be scared or not know what to do. Either way, stay true to yourself! You are AMAZING!

Tough it Out!

Tough it Out!

Like you've always said, "Tough it Out!" You're as hardcore as possible, and never take no for an answer. Your rarely sensitive, and a bit self absorbed sometimes- depending on your personality. Always stay true to who you are, but don't be afraid to soften up a bit.

Sensitive with your own touch!

Sensitive with your own touch!

Your sensitive, and tough! You stick up for yourself and prove your point, but you can also CRYYYYYYYYYY for what seems like forever. People tell you to TOUGH IT OUT! Or, Where's your emotion? But, if anything, YOU don't need to worry. You're amazing and beautiful! Never forget that!

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