Which N++ ninja are you?
Which N++ ninja are you?
Take this short quiz and find out!
Take this short quiz and find out!

What's your favourite drink?
What is your favourite food?
What's your best quality?
If you were a superhero, what ability would you have?
Which is your favourite robot?
What's your favourite N++ level name?
What do you love?
What do you hate?
Which celebrity do you want to be?
Describe your perfect Friday night.
Yellow Ninja
Yellow Ninja
You are a daredevil. You're quick on your feet and daring, making the most of every situation by being able to see all the angles and pick the one that wins. Fiercely independent, you prefer to follow your own path. And it's a good one -- you're sharp, fast and wily, and you just plain thrive in the face of a challenge. And your sense of humour is so on point: you've always got that perfect, wry one-liner ready to be delivered!
Black Ninja
Black Ninja
You are courageous and bold. You throw caution to the wind and dive headfirst into the fray without a thought to the consequences. Sometimes this strategy means you dive headfirst into a mine, but usually you find a way to maneuver through even the most difficult of circumstances. You're the confident, fiery leader everyone admires, and wow, can you dance.
White Ninja
White Ninja
You're inventive, resourceful and innovative. You see the world with an artistic eye, and can appreciate the beauty in everything. You love trying new things and experimenting, always pushing yourself to be better and better, and take that 0th place top score. You've got the creativity and motivation we all crave and your joie de vivre is infectious. Plus you're one heck of a good cook. When your friends have parties, you're the one they really hope shows up.
Green Ninja
Green Ninja
You are spontaneous and plucky. An optimistic free-thinker, you're always always dreaming, but dreaming big. When something seems impossible, you're the one who's still got the verve to find a way through, AND you lift everyone's spirits while you're at it. You can leap over any obstacle -- your energy knows no bounds. Everybody wants to hang out with you, 'cause you're just so dang fun.
Blue Ninja
Blue Ninja
You're tough, strong and determined. And you're an unrelenting juggernaut. The more life throws your way, the stronger you become. You know you can do anything as long as you just keep on trying. And you're right. Your determination to succeed and your ability to overcome obstacles is downright inspiring. You are the ninja we all wish we were, you lucky bastard.
Pink Ninja
Pink Ninja
You are methodical and cautious. You take the time to do things right, so you can really relish the satisfaction of a job well done. Even in a world dominated by inadvertently homicidal robots, you strategically assess everything that comes your way and create a plan to get through it -- and a back up plan in case that one fails. You're the backbone of every strong team.
Invisible Ninja
Invisible Ninja
You are quiet, observant and sharp as a tack. You may not speak much, but when you do, your carefully chosen words are insightful and incisive. You're often described as mysterious and difficult to see, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Incredibly intelligent, you can see things others cannot -- whether you share that info with them is another story. You're the ace up the sleeve of justice.
Orange Ninja
Orange Ninja
You're intuitive, insightful and a great communicator. You work really well with others because instinctually, you get them. You've got everyone's back, and you hold your own as well -- whether you're playing Co-op or Solo, you know how to use your skills to your advantage. You're a multi-tasker with a great sense of situational awareness, so you're always in the right place at the right time, ready to take your team to victory.