Who is your best anime boyfriend?

Find out who is the best anime boy for you.

Created by Ma-chan (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 24, 2016

Are you impatient?

What do like to do in your free time?

What is you favorite thing to drink?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do like adventures?

What do you like best in a man?

What do you like to do when in a relationship?

What would you do if you saw someone who had fallen down and dropped all of their things?

Are you an optimist, pressimist, or realist?

Who is your favorite anime character?



You're impatient and like thing done as soon as possible. You enjoy an nice cup of tea over anything else. You would rather sit down and play chess then play outside. Even though you are more of an introvert you still like a little adventure in your life. Ceil is the perfect anime boy for you.

Death the kid

Death the kid

Just like kid you are a CDO freak (just like me). You like everything just perfect. You are adventurous and are willing to put yourself out there to let people know you. You support your friends when they need help and you love a good story every now and then.



You have the great God yato as your #1 fan. You like guys who are protective and sweet. Yato will do just about anything for a girl like you. You are adventurous and daring and you are never afriad to pay the price to get want you need.



You got ferid. You are the only one who knows a way to tame this beast. You are interested in a nice day inside cuddling up with a good book. You have the pacience to deal with his foolishness and love to play indoor game with him.



Haru loves water. You love water. Haru loves you. There is no question.



Like izaya you enjoy seeing others suffer. You like to observe people from a distance. See what they do how they act. You spend a lot of your time inside and enjoy indoor activities. As much as you love to be inside you can't help but wonder what kind adventures the world will bring.

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